Saturday 10 March 2012


Its said that life is all about decisions/choices we make. You make them, then they make you! Your life is a pattern formed through a series of choices you've made in the past. The differences in each of our lives is a reflection of the difference in the choices we make.

It's unfortunate though that most of us live other people's choices/decisions. Most of us do things out of pressure from other people's decisions.Most of us work hard, get tired and exhausted, run after things, get busy, study hard, most of these not because we need to, not because we like to, but because someone else thinks it's right for us! Doing things so as to prove to the world that we can, yet we don't like them!

Most of us make decisions based on fear; fear that people will think you're not bright, fear that people would consider you not important if you don't go university or work in an office!Fear-Based Decisions are decisions made to avoid what you fear in life,whereas Faith-Based Decisions are decisions made towards getting what you want and like in life!

It's out of these reasons that most people don't achieve or even make resolutions in their lives. Most of them are not confident they can follow their decisions, aspirations and thus spend most of their time in the year making choices to avoid what they fear. It's said, "if you don't know where you're going, any road will lead you there!"

Resolutions/decisions helps simplify your life, gives you some sense of direction and helps you manage your own life, otherwise, other people will manage it for you. It's funny that most of us who neither makes nor follow their Life Plans/resolutions, at some point become subjects of those who does!Even businesses have Business Plan.
 Remember, any change in your life, begins as a choice/decision. Decisions helps us start and Discipline helps us finish. We do not make decisions because they're EASY; we don't make decisions because they're CHEAP; we don't make decisions because they're POPULAR; WE MAKE DECISIONS, BECAUSE THEY"RE RIGHT!

Don't you blame others for your life's fate or incapability to achieve your set goals.You had your power of choice all along with you!Don't worry though, you still have it with you! Use it well to LIVE YOUR LIFE! You only have this one life to live and it's too short to live other people's choices, but long enough to live your own fulfilling life! It's never too late to some good choices in your life! You may not have a chance to start all over again; you may not be able to change your past, but you can start to change your end/future!

Finally remember; Start with Yourself; Start Early;Start Small; START NOW! Don't be fooled, Life Plan is important. Have a blessed and fulfilling night.

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